Body Image

These images are from a project based on Body Image. This project examined the way in which beauty and body form are represented in modern art and our media, and challenged the typical conventions. My inspiration for this work came from a wide range of sources, but in particular Pablo Picasso and Jenny Saville. Picasso went against the conventions of typical art. Rather than painting a beautiful version of the reality he saw before him as was common place for portraiture in his time, he instead painted exactly what he saw. I also found the work of Jenny Saville really interesting, as her style completely attacks stereotypical representation. She shows what would commonly be considered grotesque body types in her work. This inspired me to go against the conventions of modern photography, and rather than lighting a model, photographing them and then developing the image to make them adhere to the typical image of beauty, I merely scanned the body with an everyday printer scanner. Using this medium allowed me to capture the harsh reality of the body, detailing every stray piece of body hair and every imperfection.